music journalism
Writers honed their linguistic skills by reporting on and telling the story of GRAMMY Camp—both of the Campers and the Artists/ Instructors involved. Reports of the daily instruction and guest artist interviews along the 16 Career Tracks were written and produced with a GRAMMY Camp Blog, daily video podcasts and webisodes housed at grammyintheschools.com and other websites. The format traced the daily evolution of the creative process for the songwriters, film composers, musicians, producers and all others from first concepts, to recorded projects to live showcase performances. All captured and edited video content was developed using iMovie HD and Final Cut Pro and in written form for web content as described above—culminating with a published glossy GRAMMY Camp Magazine. Other opportunities included field trips to major literary and media venues, specialized forums, workshops and clinics to discuss pathways of entry into journalism, the business of journalism, and other related careers such as PR, free-lancing and writing liner notes. Music Journalism Campers received all created electronic media and final printed materials.