
explore our portfolio of projects & initiatives.


napa valley
arts education master plan


Comprehensive arts education for everyone.

A collaborative effort between the Napa Valley Unified School District, Arts Council Napa Valley Education Alliance and the Festival Napa Valley



Lead the visioning and designing processes to develop trust with building infrastructure and a master plan platform for the implementation of a TK-12 arts education curriculum in Napa Valley public schools. 


Momentum ProjectLab led the entire six-month process and authored the $25 million Arts Education Master Plan realizing a unique public-private fusion that will synergize Napa Valley institutions over the next five years. 



Use inclusive design processes to amplify what is great and build what is needed. Collaborative visioning by stakeholders to ensure equity and access through the arts for all students in the Napa Valley. 


music makes us


Music education. Reimagined.

Visioned and developed the progressive music education platform for both performance and creativity. Infrastructure and internal system improvements supported by relevant professional development provide music education instruction to all students in Nashville.



Acknowledging potential of the supportive Nashville creative community and existing education system - while developing new opportunities to learn music through both legacy and contemporary curriculums - using a collective community approach to vision new approaches. 


Momentum ProjectLab created a four-year music education master plan to serve over 74,000 students within 123 schools in Music City. The Music Makes Us initiative continues to thrive.



Momentum ProjectLab working with Nashville's music educators, administrators, businesses, non-profits, artists and visionaries of the music industry, the Office of the Mayor, parents and students among many others to create a four-year master plan. 




The most powerful arts integration model. Ever.

Momentum ProjectLab leads the transformative teaching and learning model - Artful Learning - initiated by American music icon - Leonard Bernstein.



Expand the national awareness and use of the Artful Learning model as a pathway for student engagement through the arts in public schools.


Rebrand and clarify how the model framework remains sustainable for decades in the ever-changing education landscape currently used nationally, and every day, by thousands of students and educators.



Customize adult professional learning experiences both for emergent learners and advanced advocates using the Artful Learning model through a myriad of services.


grammy camp


Summer music camp. Reinvented.

Architect of the only ongoing education program to serve young creatives in contemporary music and be continually featured during the GRAMMY Awards telecast for two decades. 



Create from the ground up a sustainable summer youth music program unequaled in scope with incredible opportunity access and resources to amplify emerging music careers.


GRAMMY Camp generated over $700,000 in funding with in-kind support | equipment and tech support from Apple, Shure Microphones, Epiphone and dozens of others. Campers received unparalleled experiences from the most influential artists and technicians in the music industry.



Develop and lead a 17-day immersive learning experience using cutting-edge technology, in state-of-the-art facilities throughout Los Angeles - guided by exceptional artists and mentors across 15 Career Tracks.


pro sessions


Artists mentoring youth in the classical and commercial music worlds.

Reenergized the master | apprentice model for the GRAMMY Foundation by designing scaffolded learning experiences that empowered young women and men with guided instruction and premiere resources to explore contemporary aspects of music, sound and creative expression.


Video Game Music & Sound Design



Create learning experiences that expose high school students to the world of digital music composition and sound design through video games.


Students formed music and sound teams that created soundscapes to accompany Medal of Honor and The Sims video games. Workshops culminated in an ‘access all areas’ tour of Electronic Arts campuses with project critiques by soundtrack composers Academy Award-winner Michael Giacchino, Emmy Award-nominee Christopher Lennertz and renowned sound designers. Game On!



Develop partnerships with Electronic Arts, Apple and other companies to provide collateral and exposure to the music and sound processes of audio for video games. Lead weekend workshops in Los Angeles, San Francisco and Orlando for students and educators, all linked to National Music and Technology Standards.


DJ • Remixing


Build relevant music education outreach that empowered inner-city youth in Brooklyn and the Bronx. Immersive learning coupled with installing a sophisticated music studio at each school to build capacity using turntablism and remixing techniques.


GRAMMY Pro Sessions: DJ-Remixing instructed 120 high school students through turntable training in guided learning workshops. Over 1400 students at four high schools experienced a live concert performance of all the DJs. Sessions with students learning remix techniques in a professional recording studio concluded the outreach. All schools received more than $9,000 each in DJ equipment, MacBooks, music hardware and production software installed on their campuses -  funded through The New York State Music Fund established by the Attorney General at Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors. Let's groove.



Collaborate with New York and Los Angeles DJs to develop a six-hour workshop platform teaching scratching techniques and the basics of remixing at Legacy Recording Studios in Manhattan. Cultivate partnerships with Apple, Rane, Serato, M-Audio, Mackie and Digidesign to deliver the ultimate experience.

Explore the New York DJ • Remixing story.

Master Class Series


Create a master class series that connected high school and collegiate guitarists with the GRAMMY Award-winning Los Angeles Guitar Quartet and blues guitarist | GRAMMY Award-nominee Joe Bonamassa - supported by a Gibson Foundation grant.


Virtuoso performances concluded each master class by the guitarists. Supportive evaluations, enlightening ideas for improvement and displays of stunning, musical technique - enthralled the students and audience.



Reimagine the Beverly Hills Gibson Baldwin Showroom as an intimate performance space to conduct a two-day master class series in the Classical and Blues genres. Invite area high school and college musicians for exclusive critiques and performance recommendations by esteemed artists.


hal leonard


Exposure, expansion and appreciation of Leonard Bernstein as a conductor with the world's largest music publisher.



Link the Artful Learning education model and recorded library of Leonard Bernstein to create a new and larger audience.


Co-author a middle school level student and teacher handbooks titled - Leonard Bernstein Young People's Classics - available globally for use in music classes and grade level classrooms.



Align arts-based approaches and the Artful Learning framework with the Bernstein Century Collection that are interactive, educational and fun.